Thursday, March 18, 2010

Busy, Busy

Shiva the Red Dog wants all of her loyal followers to know that she hasn't forgotten about them; rather, she has been busy hopping around in the cold, late-winter yuck and warm, early-spring beauty while she waits for Mr. Man to upload some more videos. He is wrestling with the new blogger issue where uploaded videos now show a black screen instead of a thumbnail frame of content. She hopes he will have this figured out soon because she has a ton of good stuff ready for your viewing pleasure. WOOF!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Love Is In the Air

Although a time of renewed energy and life, Spring is also a time for love. It is a time to be with those we love, doing the things we love together. For the Red Dog, this means family time and pig time. Our first scene captures Shiva is all her resplendent, recumbent glory as she wallows in a sea of stuffed pork:

The next finds Shiva beside herself with joy over an unexpected visit from Bradley & Wesley, two of her very favorite friends. Enjoy!