Sunday, April 18, 2010

Anatomy of a walk, part II

Once in the park, the fun begins! The first thing we do is pause at the Red Dog's Thinking Spot to gaze upon the lovely waters. Then we're off to the Red Dog's Tree for more serene views of nature...

This marks the contemplative portion of our daily journey, where we take-in the beauty of the river and all its glory while enjoying each others' company...

Even a bad day on the water is better than any day most anywhere else.

After basking in nature for a while, we begin our journey home. This usually takes some time, as Shiva needs to take frequent rests due to her three-legged status.

This is our view as we begin to leave the park...

Once we make our way to the street, it's time for the long trek home. This is what the hill looks like from the bottom...

After making it part-way up, it's time to stop for a rest...

Up, up, up the hill we go...until finally we arrive, almost to our destination...

Once more, we look to the left...

and then to the right...

before hopping across the road...arriving right where we want to be...home!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Vaccine article

The Red Dog wants to share Mr. Man's article on canine vaccines here...WOOF!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

A walk to the water's edge

Tons of photos from this morning's lovely walk...enjoy!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Filthy, nasty plants get EXPOSED by Mr. Man!

A special article inspired by our friends Steve, Amy, & the pups down in Texas. These Sago plants are nasty, nasty things.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Another FUN article...

Mr. Man continues his torrid pace with this gem on dogs and greenways. Thankfully he consulted with the Red Dog, as she is quite the expert!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Anatomy of a walk, part I

For all those who have clamored for more "action" from the Red Dog, your wait is over. Today, we will walk together through part one of what a daily walk looks like for Shiva, Katy, Joey, Mr. Man & Shiva's Mom. It all usually starts around 7 am after everyone has taken a pee (dogs & people) and had a chew stick (just dogs), and the Red Dog starts bossing. Grumbling ensues from Mr. Man, followed by more bossing from Shiva. People get dressed, harness her highness, and hit the door. This is what we see:

Next, it's time for a little safety:

A look to the left, and then one to the right before launching ourselves across the street...

A few quick hops and we're facing our first decision: on down Spence toward the airport, or left on Estelle and on the the park. Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, Estelle it is!

Now we have a lovely stroll down to the park with three very convenient "drop zones" along the roadside...

After a momentary refreshing constitutional, off we go!

Now, more choices! To the right, the greenway winds along the river, passes Ijams Nature Center, and then continues for many miles. To the left, the object of most day's desires: the park.

Your Attention, Please!

Shiva the Red Dog would like to announce that her dad (Mr. Man) is now the official Knoxville Dog Health Examiner, and she requires all of her loyal subjects to begin following him here as he has lots of good stuff to say. His first article is here. Please tell your friends and give him lots of clicks (whatever that is). WOOF!