Saturday, August 4, 2012

Spirit Hugs from the Red Dog

As you may know, our friend Luna lost a leg to osteosarcoma back in March, and we're happy to say she's continuing to do quite well.  So well, in fact, that her mom Shannon brought her over to visit recently to help spread some big dog cheer.  Here she is doing her best to give a little love to Shiva's Mom:

During the visit, Shannon also informed us that Shiva's survival was the inspiration for her to go through with Luna's surgery.  She told us that, in a very real sense, the Red Dog saved Luna's life.  Much joy - and a few tears - followed, as all of us reveled in the realization that our sweet Red Dog had just given us a Dane-sized spirit hug from the great beyond through her friend Luna.

All cuteness aside, it's sobering and humbling to us to know that our decisions and experiences have so profoundly impacted the lives of others.  Shiva the Red Dog was a hero, and we're just glad she invited us along for the ride.

Happy News!

Miracle of miracles happened, and Kitty was reunited with her person after going missing a few days ago.  In spite of injuries and dehydration, the 18 yr-old feline is none the worse for her experience.  Big thanks to those of you who helped with her medical expenses.  There is a very special place in heaven awaiting you! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Kitty Please, Pretty Please

OK, so most of you know by now we aren't the types to ask for help unless it's for others in need; unfortunately, due to Snoopy's recent medical extravaganza (over $4,000 and counting), we hope to engage you in support of a kitty.  Of course, there's a story attached, and we promise to share the entire epic saga with you soon.  Until then, please bear with us and allow us to tell you about the kitty.

Found by us on the side of the road yesterday, the cat in question was in appalling shape.  Although affectionate, she was clearly injured, and the speculation is that her head spent a little unwanted time inside the mouth of a non-cat-loving dog.  In addition to those wounds, we found her to be soaking wet, underweight and infested with both fleas and ear mites.  Our first course of action was to order an FIV/FeLeuk test, as both diseases are fairly common in the outdoor cat population in our region, and the results would impact our future decision-making for her care.  We also had her scanned for a microchip.  All were negative.  She since has been given an antibiotic injection for her wounds, as well as treatment for the ear mites and fleas.  She will receive a thorough physical exam today, as well as an estimate on her age.  At that point, Dr. Brandi will make her recommendations and we'll act accordingly to help this sweet girl.

As you can see, she's a bit skinny and ragged, but otherwise appears healthy.  We do suspect she's older, though not elderly, and she may not exactly like dogs.  We're hoping to find a foster or permanent home for her once her medical status is clear, and she'll be staying with our friends at Boyd's Creek until we do so.  Which leads me, finally, to our plea:   

If any of our Knoxville-area friends are able to help with her foster or permanent care after she's ready to leave the clinic, please let us know.  We'll transport her to you to see how things might work-out.  

If you'd like to help defray some of her medical costs, please call Boyd's Creek Animal Hospital at 865-577-2738.  The sweet girl is listed as "Friend Douglas" under the "Brian & Debra Douglas" account.  Every little bit will help, as those $5 & $10 donations can really add-up!

If nothing else, please share with fellow animal-loving friends so this story, too, can have a Shiva the Red Dog-inspired happy ending.